7 Tips for Planning a Stress-Free Christmas Vacation

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Christmas is one of the most stressful times of the year. Between giving the best gifts and having the best outdoor decor in town, the pressure is on to make the holiday memorable. Holiday gift stickers are an easy way to simplify wrapping presents, but what can you do to reduce stress in other areas? These seven tips will help make your Christmas vacation joyful and stress-free!

wooden house near pine trees and pond coated with snow during daytime

1. Start Planning Early

Forget the naysayers – it’s never too early to start planning for Christmas! Planning weeks – or even months – in advance saves you headaches and stress-related meltdowns. Depending on your organizational skills, planning early can be as simple as creating a brief to-do list. It’s not a bad idea to start planning for next year by labeling totes or storage bins when packing up this year’s Christmas.

2. Set A Budget

It’s easy to spend too much money, but it’s especially easy around Christmas time. No, you don’t need to get your neighbor’s daughter’s dog a present. Create a budget that incorporates all aspects of the holiday, including decorations, presents, food, etc.

3. Delegate Tasks

Every member of the family may not have the same enthusiasm for the holiday, and that’s okay. But taking on all of the tasks yourself will only make it more stressful. Delegate as many tasks as possible to others in the family, even if it’s simple, like putting stamps on Christmas cards and dropping them in the mailbox.

woman blowing snow on her hands

4. Create Your Christmas Menu

The closer to Christmas, the more cramped it is in grocery stores. Create and shop for your Christmas menu early to avoid the crowds. When creating your Christmas menu, take into account any food allergies and dislikes of your family members and guests. Everyone at the table should enjoy at least one aspect of the menu. And don’t forget the appetizers!

5. Decorate Wisely

Decorating for the holidays is a very personal undertaking. Some people decorate as early as possible, while others choose not to decorate at all. There’s no wrong way to decorate, but there are ways to make it easier on yourself. Put indoor and outdoor decorations in separate storage bins and clearly mark them as such. When it comes time to decorate, ask your family for their input to make the occasion special to everyone in the family.

6. Stick To A Holiday Schedule

From town tree lighting to holiday concerts, there are a lot of events taking place during the Christmas season. One way to take the stress out of your busy schedule is to make a holiday itinerary and stick to it.

7. Remember What’s Important

Decorations and gifts are a unique part of the holidays, but they aren’t what matters the most. Spending quality time with loved ones is what’s most important about Christmas vacation. Keep that in mind when you start to get overwhelmed by your never-ending to-do list.

Planning a stress-free Christmas vacation is not only possible but also immensely rewarding. By following these seven tips, you’ll be able to relax, enjoy yourself, and make some beautiful memories with those closest to you.