Battling Addiction: How Peer Support Can Help You Turn the Tide

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Battling addiction can be a very tough road. You might start with a relatively modest drug or alcohol habit, but then, it can get on top of you and take over your life. This change can happen gradually or suddenly.

a woman rests her head on another person's shoulder

Addiction is also sometimes referred to now as SUD, or substance use disorder. People with SUD in Los Angeles can look into either inpatient or outpatient facilities. Some might be okay with the outpatient variety, but others who are worried they will relapse if they have too much independence may feel an inpatient clinic will be more helpful.

Whichever option you select, having the right peer support might be what helps you turn the tide against your substance dependency. Let’s discuss that in more detail right now.

Friends Can Be There for You When You Need Them

If you’ve gotten clean through an inpatient or outpatient program, you probably feel proud of your accomplishment. However, you may feel nervous about what your life looks like going forward.

You may understand that one bad day can cause a relapse. This cautious period while you’re trying to separate yourself from your addiction can be a particularly challenging one.

If you ever feel that you want to go back to using alcohol or your drug of choice again, you might contact friends and ask if they will spend some time with you. Don’t be afraid to ask for their companionship. If they truly care about you, they should be willing to do this for you.

A Peer Can Act as Your Sponsor

You may also ask a good friend or peer if they will be willing to be your sponsor. You can contact this individual in particular if you are feeling tempted to fall back into old habits.

It’s probably helpful if this person has also dealt with drug or alcohol addiction or dependence. They will be uniquely suited to help you because they’ll know what you’re going through. You might also use someone who has not struggled with these issues, but they may not have the first-hand knowledge you would prefer.

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The People You Have Around You Make a Huge Difference

The peer support you get can often be the difference between whether you relapse or not. Because of this, you will need to be very selective about the friends you choose to have around you while you’re trying to reclaim your life following an addiction battle.

You should make sure the peers you have around you don’t use alcohol or your drug of choice. If they do, then it will probably only be a matter of time till you fall back into your destructive habits. The urge to use will likely be too much.

You also want to be around friends who won’t judge you. That judgment might be another trigger that sends you spiraling down to alcohol or drug use again.

The peers you keep near you while recovering can help or hinder your progress, so choose your companions carefully.