Ways to Wrap Up Summer

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As summer wraps up, many people find it helpful to tie up the season’s loose ends, review what occurred during the summer months, and look forward to the next season. Everyone may have their own goals to accomplish to wrap up summer, but here are a few to get you started.

photos on white wooden table

Create a Summer Scrapbook

A scrapbook is an ideal way to showcase the memories created during the summer. Even though you likely have several digital pictures, it’s not the same as a scrapbook. Many people don’t even print out pictures, since they are stored on their devices.

But there is something more significant about having the pictures in your hand. It allows you to highlight the most important pictures for that timeframe, and you don’t have to swipe through a bunch of others to get to what you want.

The tangible evidence of printed pictures will make it more likely that you and others will look at them, reminisce about the good times, and bond over them. You’ll see the scrapbook on the shelf or table, which is a reminder to pick it up from time to time. Whereas when you rely on your phone to look at pictures, you’re less likely to be reminded of a particular time or event because all the pictures are mixed together. Also, your phone is used for so many other things.

Making a scrapbook instead of just putting the pictures in a photo album allows you to get creative with the page, add text (and context), and enjoy the process. You could make it a group project with other family members.

Prepare for Fall

As you wrap up your summer activities, you can get ready to look forward to fall. That means making some preparations for the season. Some of these may include house maintenance preparations, such as cleaning the gutters, putting away lawn furniture, hiring someone to inspect the furnace, and so on.

In addition, you may wish to decorate your home in fall designs. Now is the ideal time to get the stash of fall décor out of storage and begin switching from the summer vibe.

white printer paper

Review Your Budget

Take a look at your budget for the last few months as you are heading into colder weather. If you live in an area with cold winter temperatures, your heating costs will rise soon. Reviewing your expenses to see if you are overpaying on any of your regular bills is a good idea. For example, it never hurts to check your insurance rates and get a new quote. Often, rates can creep up without you realizing it. Check with companies that have a high star rating. Freeway Insurance reviews are consistently highly-rated and customers love their affordable insurance and great customer service. Check with an agent to find out if your policy is as budget-friendly as it could be.

Hello Fall

Say “hello” to the fall season and welcome it as you end summer on the right foot.