Cats: furry felines, conniving companions, rulers of their human servants. You’ve likely got at least one friend who is particularly fond of these incredible creatures.

No one ever wants a bill to go to a collections agency. But what happens if it does…and you had NO idea you even owed

When I moved, I needed to ship my car from Arizona to Colorado. Simple enough, right? They’re bordering states. A straight drive would take about

Coming up with gift ideas for millennials in your life might seem daunting, but I’m here to help you out! Millennials, also called Generation Y,

When I started furnishing my studio apartment, I became OBSESSED with filling it with plants! There’s something special about bringing nature indoors, having some life

Last year, I rented the cutest little studio. It was a 400-square-foot cottage house (above a garage). I had a tight budget, though, and I